Category: Uncategorized

  • Which one is fake?

    There are 12 pearls. Eleven of them are real, and they have exactly the same weight. Another one is a fake one. The fake pearl has different weight (we don’t know if it’s lighter or heavier). How can we take out the fake one if we only have a balancing scale that only can be…

  • Self Note

    Just words to make me come back to my  sense if I feel ‘lost’… “He who knows the best knows how little he knows” ———————————————————————————————— Comforting one self; it’s good but mostly it doesn’t solve a thing. ———————————————————————————————— Travelling, is not about where you go but who you go with or who you meet. ————————————————————————————————-…

  • Why do I watch Japanese Dramas?

    “Japanese dramas are weird” “I don’t understand their jokes” “The actors are not handsome!” “No romance in Japanese Dramas, it’s no fun to watch!”   and so on and so on… There are so many negative comments I’ve heard from people about Japanese Dramas; or usually called jdrama.   So why I watch them?  …

  • Protected: Golden Ratio

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Welcome to stage of a light!

    Selamat datang di coret-coretan saya di kala iseng. Mungkin blog ini ga terlalu keliatan seperti blog, karena saya punya halaman home yang statis. Di bagian atas website ini kalian dapat melihat menu yang merupakan template dari kampus. Di samping kanan (jika kalian buka melalui desktop browser), kalian dapat melihat menu yang lebih bebas. Study Abroad berisi cerita…